James Lethbridge Glass
Initially, he followed a career path in producing ceramics and immersed himself in their production processes. In 2003, Lethbrigde was lured by the study of glass. This marked a life-changing moment, as not long after, glass became his material of choice. Fascinated by the transparency and fluid nature of molten glass, the repetitive process soon turned into a more experimental one. In 2005, Lethbrigde began attending the Royal Academy of Art, where he learned many glass practices and his work also grew in volume. As a result, he gained self-confidence and belief in his chosen art practice. Since graduation, Lethbridge has gained a reputation for his unique works of art. He alternately created sculptural and luminous works.Because of his imaginative approach, Lethbridge's artworks are immediately recognized. His artworks often include a multitude of glass thorns, shards and tendrils. Lethbridge still creates repetitive work, but now with a completely different approach and result.
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